Primary Medical Clinic Amenities: Toilets Planning: Accepts new patients Due to the severe shortage of family physicians in our region we are not able to roster new patients with a family physician. This does not mean you will not be seen but rather you will be seen by a visiting locum or medical resident. We are trying our best to recruit new family physicians, but it is very difficult given the current shortage of health care professionals in the Province of Ontario and the entire country.
We hold a number of “Same Day” appointments each day, but priority goes to emergency room follow-up and urgent care. We understand your frustration with the long wait period to see a family physician. We are all working hard to do the best with the limited resources we currently have. Please be patient and kind with our health care professionals. The past 2 years of the pandemic have added another level of challenge to an already strained health care system.
Same day appointments can be booked starting at 7:00 am each morning (Monday to Friday) by calling 737-3803. Should you get a busy signal, or the answering machine please hang up and try again. Do not leave a message as there is only one person in at this time and 3 phone lines coming into the clinic.
If you are looking for a general appointment or need a driver’s medical, employment medical, insurance forms completed, prenatal appointment then please call during regular clinic hours starting at 8:00 am each morning (Monday to Friday).
Don't forget that the most detailed information about Hugh Allen Clinic in Sioux Lookout you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone ↓
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