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Companies Canada Companies in the state of Ontario
Cataloxy Geraldton...Companies in GeraldtonConstructionCivil and marine engineering contractorsMine prospecting and extraction contractorsGreenstone Gold Mines

Greenstone Gold Mines

Greenstone Gold Mines - Development of the Trans-Canada Property

Located in the Geraldton-Beardmore Greenstone Belt in Ontario, Canada, the properties are made up of several claim groups having a cumulative strike length of more than 105 kilometres along the district's most prospective geological structures. The properties have excellent access to infrastructure, including the Trans-Canada Highway (Canada's national highway) and the TC Energy’s natural gas pipeline, which extends along its length.
Greenstone Gold Mines’ objective is to become a gold producer, focused on the environment and social responsibility.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Greenstone Gold Mines in Geraldton you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: 404 Main St Suite D, ON0
P0T 1M, Geraldton, Ontario

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